In this issue:
- Amendments to the Law on cadaster and real estate publicity
Law no. 264 of 5 November 2021 for the amendment and completion of the Law on cadaster and real estate publicity no. 7/1996, as well as for the alteration of Art. 121 of the Land Law no. 18/1991 was published in the Romanian Official Gazette no. 1065 of 8 November 2021.
The legislative changes entered into force on 11 November 2021.
The following is a summary of the main legislative changes:
Amendment of the documents based on which the ownership rights transferred through the effect of the merger/spin-off are registered with the land book
For the land book registration of the transfer of rights operating through the effect of the merger/spin-off of a company, the new requested documentation is:
- the court decision ruling on the legality of the merger/spin-off operation;
- proof of registration in the trade register;
- certificate of registration in the trade register;
- the merger/spin-off project in authenticated form.
The removal of the requirement to use the informatic system of the Land Book Office for the online submission of the requests for registration, reception or endorsement
The application for registration, reception or endorsement may also be submitted online, the use of the cadaster and real estate publicity information system being no longer required. The application will be accompanied by copies of relevant documents, signed by the depositor with a qualified electronic signature, certifying that the rendering on computer media was made after the original or legalized copy of the document and that its contents were not altered, under the sanction of absolute nullity of the registration, reception or endorsement.
Free online access for lawyers to the data set managed by ANCPI
Starting with 11 November 2021, the National Agency for Cadaster and Real Estate Publicity (ANCPI) has the duty to grant lawyers, free of charge, online access to the data set managed by such agency and its subordinated institutions, under the conditions stipulated by order of the general manager of ANCPI.
For more information, please contact Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL team.
Prepared by:
Miruna Coderie – Senior Associate, Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL
For additional information, please contact:
Roxana Dudău – Partner, Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL
Alexandra Siminiceanu – Managing Associate, Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL