Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd
Bucharest Tower Center, etaj 22 B-dul Ion Mihalache
nr. 15-17 011171 Bucuresti, sector 1, Romania
+40 21 402 4000
RO || EN

Dan Birsan



Dan is an Associate with Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații and a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2024.


Dan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and in International Relations and European Studies with the Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, as well as a Master’s Degree in European Affairs and Programme Management from the same institution.

Before joining the Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL team, he had the opportunity to be a trainee at an EU Delegation, working in the field of EU-funded projects.

Skills and professional experience:

Dan is mainly involved in legal consultancy projects regarding public procurement, structuring and implementation of EU-funded projects, state aid, as well as commercial and corporate law.

Dan speaks English, French, Russian, and Romanian.