Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd
Bucharest Tower Center, etaj 22 B-dul Ion Mihalache
nr. 15-17 011171 Bucuresti, sector 1, Romania
+40 21 402 4000
RO || EN

Radu Diaconu

Managing Partner, Leader of the business law practice

+40 21 402 41 00


Radu is a member of the Bucharest Bar. He specializes in mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and finance transactions. Before joining Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL (in 2013), he worked for Allen&Overy and Linklaters.

Radu holds degrees from the University of Bucharest (Law) and the Academy of Economic Studies – Bucharest (Finance).

He has a PhD in international commercial law (in the field of non-bank financial institutions) and publishes regularly in both business and legal periodicals.

Skills and professional experience:

Radu is mainly involved in corporate transactions (both M&A and advisory work) as well as finance transactions (including derivatives and treasury products). He is experienced in advising strategic investors, banks and investment funds on various types of transactions on the Romanian market.

He has provided assistance on acquisitions and disposals of Romanian companies, cross-border mergers, antitrust investigations as well as finance, restructuring and insolvency matters in a wide range of sectors (energy, pharma, financial services, real estate, automotive and FMCG).

A selection of Radu’s most recent credentials includes:

 Radu speaks English and Romanian.